SwifT4 Ligase Master Mix, 4X

Catalog No.

ScienCell’s SwifT4 Ligase Master Mix (T4LIGMM) is a 4X premix that simplifies the reaction setup while also ensuring rapid ligation at room temperature. T4LIGMM is ideal for use with both sticky-end and blunt-end DNA and needs only 5 minutes for the ligation reaction. The 4X premix contains an optimized ratio of enzyme, buffer and transformation enhancer. As it maintains a liquid state during storage at -20°C, no thawing of the master mix is required. Simply combine T4LIGMM and DNA, the resulting reaction mixture may then be used directly for bacterial transformation.

Kit Components:

Catalog #MB6308-50

Cat #   Item Quantity Storage
MB6308-50 SwifT4 Ligase Master Mix, 4X 150 µL -20°C

Catalog #MB6308-200

Cat #   Item Quantity Storage
MB6308-200 SwifT4 Ligase Master Mix, 4X 600 µL -20°C