Custom Services for qPCR
ScienCell offers a range of highly flexible, reliable and fast GeneQuery™ custom services for qPCR, gene expression analysis and copy number determination. If you do not have access to a qPCR facility or you want us to synthesize cDNA from your cell pellet samples, we have a high quality service to reach your goal quickly and cost-effectively.
Offered Services:
Please contact us at 877-602-8549 or with the following information:
- Institution Name
- Cell Pellet Sample Names
- Brief Sample Description (Cell Types, Cell Numbers, Cell Treatment, Infectious Materials, etc.)
GeneQuery™ Total RNA Purification Service

ScienCell offers a custom total RNA purification service from your cell pellet samples. Total RNA samples are useful in applications such as gene expression analysis, SNP/mutation detection, alternative splicing studies, molecular cloning, Southern/Northern blotting and microarrays.
The extracted RNA will be assessed and quantified by spectrophotometry.
Offered Services: $110/sample
GeneQuery™ Genomic DNA Purification Service

ScienCell offers a custom genomic DNA (gDNA) purification service from your cell pellet samples. gDNA samples can be used for SNP/mutation detection, epigenetic studies, and Southern/Northern blotting.
The extracted gDNA will be assessed and quantified by spectrophotometry.
Offered Services: $168/sample
GeneQuery™ cDNA Synthesis Service

ScienCell offers a custom cDNA synthesis service from your RNA samples. cDNA samples can be used for applications such as gene expression analysis, SNP/mutation detection, alternative splicing studies, molecular cloning, and microarrays.
The extracted cDNA will be assessed by our GeneQuery™ cDNA evaluation kit #GK992.
Offered Services: $40/sample
GeneQuery™ Custom qPCR Service

ScienCell offers a custom SYBR® Green-based qPCR running service to assist you in acquiring reliable gene expression analysis data. Simply send us your cell pellet, total RNA or cDNA samples, and we will deliver results in a timely manner.
All our primers are validated by qPCR and gel electrophoresis to ensure specificity and efficiency.
Data will be delivered in the format of both raw Cq and normalized fold change by comparative ∆∆Cq method.
Offered Services:
$440 per 96-well plate ($240 extra if using our primers);
Or, for each cDNA sample, $19 per gene (performed in triplicates, $5 extra if using our